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Looking for: Singapore $100 with two triangles. Please contact me if you have any spares. Thanks

...Brunei - 50 Ringgit 2017 Coronation Golden Jubilee

On 5th of October 2017, Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah celebrated his Accession to the Throne Golden Jubilee. His Majesty became the 29th Sultan of Brunei Darussalam on 05.10.1967, when he was 21 years old, following the surprising abdication of his father, the late Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Waddien (1914-1986). The Sultan's coronation was then held on 01.08.1968 and was crowned by his father at the Royal Ceremonial Hall (or Lapua) in Bandar Seri Begawan (then known as Brunei Town).

Fast forward 25 years, in 1992 the Sultan celebrated his Silver Jubilee by releasing a B$25 Commemorative paper banknote (P21). Until today, this is still the one and only odd 25 Dollars denomination ever issued in Brunei since 1967.

To celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, the Authoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD) issued the following numismatic products:

- B$50 with special "HB50"* prefix (acrylic holder) at B$200 (4,000 sets);
- B$25 (P21) and B$50 "prefix F/1" Folder at B$160 (3,000 sets);
- Single B$50 "prefix F/1" Circulation Note Folder at B$55 (50,000 sets);
- 3-in-1 uncut Sheet B$50 "prefix F/2" (acrylic holder) at B$400 (1,000 sets);
- 8-in-1 uncut sheet B$50 "prefix F/2" (in tube) at B$1,000 (500 sets)
- 40-in-1 uncut sheet B$50 (in tube) at B$3,800 (150 sets);
- B$500 Gold coin at B$3,500 (200 sets);
- B$50 Silver coin at B$400 (200 sets); and
- 5 coins 5th series special collection set at B$20 (3,000 sets)

* HB = Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah

It should be noted that only 4,000 sets were issued with the special prefix of "HB". The rest are printed with the prefix "F/1 and F/2". All the above were made available via online pre-order which was opened between 04.10.2017 to 25.10.2017. The items were opened to everyone, however priorities were given to the locals first in the country with any leftovers to be sold to the rest of the world. Any item that was oversubscribed went through a balloting system to decide the lucky winners.

I have no confirmation as to how many pieces were printed for this commemorative series. So far I have sighted single notes with F/1 prefix and F/2 prefix for those uncut sheets. The circulating coins and banknote were released to the public for circulation on 09.10.2017.

The design of the new B$50 features three generations of the royal family. On the front, it features the late Sultan crowning his son in 1967 and on the back, the current Sultan and his eldest son, crown prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah ibni Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'ízzaddin Waddaulah, greeting their subjects. The note is predominantly printed in stunning yellow colour, which is also the royal colour of Brunei. The design for this note should win an award, in my opinion.

Fifty Ringgit from 1 note folder
Dated 2017 - single in folder
Fifty Ringgit Special Prefix
Dated 2017 - Special Prefix HB50
Twenty Five Dollar (Paper) from 2 notes folder
Dated 1992, P21, #204
Fifty Ringgit from 2 notes folder
Dated 2017, #204
Fifty Ringgit 3-in-one Uncut Sheet
Dated 2017
Footnote: A small quantity of the above were also sold in Singapore, where both nation's currencies are interchangeable at par value. Some of these items were sold at a higher price than those offered in Brunei. Whilst the above numismatic products issued were considered as low, it is not sure if those sold in Singapore were made prior to the sale in Brunei or because they were actually left overs. Given that only the coins were oversubscribed, I personally believed the notes were the remainders from the offers in Brunei. Needless to say, banknotes are not as popular as those coins sold.


  1. I do have the note with its folder as well asthe coins too

    1. Dash

      Thanks for your comment posted here. You have done well. Those coins must be selling like hotcakes!! Fortunately I am not a coins collector. If not I will be very disappointed to miss this opportunity.
